Friday, April 17, 2009

11. april 17. 1125pm.

I watched a video moments ago which left me absolutely breathless. In a world full of the overly done and likewise minded it is hard to come across something solely unique and intriguing. A man by the name of Theo Jansen has managed to leap off the edge of ordinary into a depth of the extraordinary so deep the bottom is unreachable. With a mixture of motion and art he leaves your imagination full of lovely thoughts and your expression wide-eyed and curious.

This is a beautiful site for your eyes themselves upon.

1o. april 17. 15o pm.

Okay well I haven't written in a long time because I have been busy and lazy...Since March I've gotten a lot of great photos back. As well I did my verve girl photo shoot which was nonetheless AMAZING as well as the photos. I am praying I get the front cover!! I'm on my third day with no fast food or pop! I just need to start working out hard core. I want a hot bod for the summer, let's see if that is at all entirely possible. I will write MOAR later.